If you don’t know how to increase website traffic through social media then come on in! find out how these powerful, free marketing platforms can be exploited to get more traffic to your website.
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6 ways to Increase Website Traffic through Social Media

So, you want to increase website traffic through social media? Are you feeling a little lost and not quite sure where to start? Or, does it simply feel like a chore to work on social media promotion?

Well, with the right information at hand and an outstanding social media strategy combined with a little patience, you can use these free platforms to build real social media engagement with customers and drive free website traffic in the process.

Search engines like Google can also be a great source of traffic as well but, with a single algorithm update, your website could be plunged into the abyss through some new obscure ranking factor no one has figured out yet how to solve so, we will leave SEO methods for another article.

Increase website traffic

The burning question I have for you right now is; Are you using social media and already generating huge amounts of website traffic?

If you answered no then, go stick the kettle on for a brew, sit back in your chair and keep reading to learn how to increase traffic to your website from social media.

How to Get Website Traffic from Social Media?

To get social media traffic, you need to follow a few simple pointers. Have you heard that famous saying; Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Smart cookie, whoever come up with that, deserves a medal.

It would be best if you weren’t relying on a single source for your traffic.

Utilising other channels such as paid advertising, guest post placements, digital marketing and finding ways to market on social media will help safeguard you against any potential updates or problems with your website’s traffic in the future.

Worlds most used social media platforms - hootsuite

Social media has exploded and is now a huge part of everyday life, with 3.78 billion people sharing images, videos and status updates worldwide. That is 48% of earth’s entire population, staggering! Social media has the potential to build your brand exposure and generate free visitors.

I will show you the power of social media marketing and how a clever strategy can get you free website traffic, diversify your marketing campaign efforts and make social media feel less like a grind.

Strap in because you will learn how to increase your social media traffic with these 6 methods.

1. Develop a social media strategy

Does your business have a social media strategy yet? If not, you might want to invest the time or hire someone to develop a social media strategy for you. Developing a successful social media strategy will give you and your team direction when promoting your website and creating social media campaigns that don’t suck.

Master Social Media Strategy

The key to developing a strategy that works is to be clear and definitive with your goals.

  1. Know how to audit your social media accounts
  2. Define your goals clearly
  3. Understand your audience
  4. Know what platforms are suitable for your business
  5. Define a content strategy
  6. Outline varying social media tools to use
  7. Know the best times to post on each social platform

2. Create content that demands attention

You have likely heard it said all over the internet, content is king. This is true for blogging, and it is true for social media as well. If you are overly promotive, you will turn people off your brand faster than a nun in a strip bar.

Best content for each social media platform

On the other side, if your content is not resonating with your audience, they will skim right past it so, finding a balance is key. If you completed your social media strategy, then you should have a solid understanding of your typical user persona and, from that being able to understand their needs.

If not, go back to step one, get comfortable and plan a social media strategy.

Find the best content for different social media platforms

What you may not realise is that it really does matter what type of content you are posting on different platforms, by finding the best content for different social media platforms you will reach your target audience more effectively and avoid alienating your followers.

3. Network with Influencers

Social media influencers have spent time cultivating personal relationships in a specific niche and are naturally really protective of damaging their reputation. It’s not as easy as offering them money and hoping they will promote your brand. You will need to connect with them; however, it can be gratifying to get your brands exposure and generate more social media referral traffic.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is an emerging field in digital marketing that is only just now becoming widely known but can be a potent social media tool that can help put your business on the map and generate long term website traffic.

4. Master Social Media Automation

Many of the tedious work involved with social media marketing can be automated with tools if you know where to look. You can use scheduling services such as Buffer, which allows you to aggregate content from around the web (including your own) and put posts out at set times on a range of different platforms. The free version allows you to post to three platforms at once. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

Bonus: Learn How to Beat the LinkedIn Algorithm

SocialPilot is another social media automation tool that is similar to Buffer but also provides additional functionality such as analytics, scheduling and even a content planning calendar. Social

Social media automation tools can help you streamline the process, ensure you are posting at the correct times for each social media platform, offer content suggestion and drive social media traffic to your website.

5. Post at the Right Times

best times to post on social media

There are key times when social media websites are primed for engagement. The best times to post on social media varies from platform to platform but mastering when the best times to post are will ensure you generate huge referral traffic from social media and increase your engagement.

Best times to post on Facebook

  • Best times: Wednesday at 1 p.m. and Friday at 11 a.m.
  • Best days: Wednesday and Friday
  • Worst day: Sunday

Best times to post on Instagram

  • Best times: Wednesday at 11 a.m. and Friday from 10 a.m.–11 a.m.
  • Best day: Wednesday
  • Worst day: Sunday

Best times to post on LinkedIn

  • Best times: Wednesday from 8–10 a.m. and noon, Thursday at 9 a.m. and 1–2 p.m., and Friday at 9 a.m.
  • Best day: Wednesday and Thursday
  • Worst day: Sunday

Best times to post on Twitter

  • Best times: Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m.
  • Best days: Wednesday and Friday
  • Worst day: Saturday

6. Join niche related groups

Facebook currently hold the biggest share of users across all social media platforms, with YouTube coming in a very close second. You can leverage the power of Facebook groups and LinkedIn groups to drive website traffic from social media.

Driving traffic to your niche blog is easy as joining groups and interacting by answering questions, commenting on others posts and creating thought-provoking content that gives readers a chance to interact with you.

Once you get them through the door, all you need to do is make sure you’re providing an amazing user experience otherwise, they will leave your website as fast as they arrived.