Learn How to Update WordPress & Maintain Security
Andy takes a look at the WordPress update process. Whats involved, why you need to keep updated and finally how to update WordPress to maintain security and keep your readers and data safe.
The place for in-depth, authoritative guides and how-tos related to WordPress such as optimisation guides, code snippets, news and more.
Andy takes a look at the WordPress update process. Whats involved, why you need to keep updated and finally how to update WordPress to maintain security and keep your readers and data safe.
Don't be put off learning to write CSS because you think it's hard. It's really easy with our CSS3 for Beginners Guide. It will only take you 5 minutes!
You can't be a blogger and not know some basic HTML. I'm going to show you how to format a blog post and become a blog post formatting master and provide readers with a Better UX.
I've put a decade of first-hand experience into The Complete WordPress Optimisation guide. It really is the only resource you will ever need in your bookmarks for optimising any WordPress website.
Starting a new WordPress website can feel overwhelming. Let me help oil the machine and take the hassle out the WPsetup with these essential WordPress plugins.
Getting WordPress Setup & Optimised is effortless when you know-how. Learn How to Install WordPress using Openlitespeed & Digital Ocean on Ubuntu 20.04 Here