Making sure your business is at the top of everyone’s feed is easy when you know these 6 secrets to increase your engagement on social media.
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6 Easy Steps To Increase Your Engagement On Social Media

Now more than ever – it is crucial to not only have an audience for your brand, but to have an engaged audience across social media platforms. I’m going to be teaching you exactly how to boost engagement on your content in 10 easy to follow steps.

If you’re looking to build your brand/company, social media strategy is undoubtedly the best way to get the word out about what you offer. Too often, I find companies that have immense potential fall to the wayside due to lack of presence and engagement on social media sites.

I want to help, so I’ve got 6 easy tips to increase your engagement on social media and get the most out of your social media accounts and not have a campaign that sucks.

1. Don’t Neglect Your Social Media Accounts

The absolute first step to increasing your social media engagement is to post on social media!! The more you show up on your audience’s timeline, the more opportunity they have to engage with your content. Consistency is key when it comes to social
media, so make sure that there is a solid stream of content pumping out from your accounts!

Build A Schedule For Posting Content

It is imperative to do your research and determine which times are the best to post on social media. Depending on the time of day you post, your content’s audience engagement can vary drastically. In building a plan to be consistent on social media, be sure that the work you’re putting in will actually be reaching your specific audience.

2. Post Content That Provokes Engagement

Now that you’ve built a plan to post regularly on your accounts, you must cultivate community within that content. Here are some ways to foster audience engagement on your posts:

  • Create a call to action in your captions; use lines like “tag a friend who” or “comment down below”
  • Create a poll that your audience will be passionate about cater to your demographic
  • Create content that inspires an emotional reaction in your audience. Your followers are more likely to engage if they feel something as a result of your content

A key point in your effort to increase engagement and generate traffic on your posts is to simply create content that promotes interaction.

3. Actively Engage With Your Target Audience

To build your following and engagement, you also have to put in the work and engage with other accounts regularly. It’s important to show love and support to accounts in your target audience to see that it’s worth their while giving your content attention. When you see comments on your posts, please don’t ignore them!

social media platforms

Make sure you let your audience know that you appreciate them for taking the time to give your content some love. It’s great to facilitate a back and forth with someone in the comment section, as other users will also see that you are responsive and active on your account.

4. Be Consistent In The Theme Of Your Feed

When building your brand, it is necessary to be consistent in the style of your content creation. Having a specific look for your content will provide your brand with a unique style that people will recognize. Find your style and stick with it, whether it’s a filter you use for every post or a colour scheme that carries throughout your feed.

A clean and branded page will keep users coming back. Here are a few tips to keep consistent:

  • Pick a theme.
  • Choose an overarching colour scheme and stick to it.
  • Design for a grid, plan how your posts will look in the order they will be posted.
  • Edit your images before you post them.

Having an identifiable look at your brand’s social accounts will create a cohesive identity for your brand and help users know what you’re all about.

5. Create Posts That Cater To Your Audience

Think about the interests of your audience when creating content. Who is the audience that you’re looking to reach? What do they want to see on social media? What form of content do they prefer to see on their timeline? To boost engagement, you have to focus on making content that your audience wants to engage with. To accomplish this, you have to have an obvious idea of who your target audience is.

Here are some tips for finding your key target audience:

  • What services/products are you offering? Think about the demographic that
    could use what you offer.
  • Use your social media’s analytic tools to decipher where your audience is coming
    from, be inclusive to your audience!
  • Check out your competition. It can be a valuable tool to learn from what has
    given them success.

Once you know who you’re trying to reach, it is exponentially easier to determine what content will keep them engaged with your content.

Do some research, find out what these kinds of people are looking for!

6. Add Relevant Hashtags to Your Posts

social media strategy

Hashtags are a great resource to reach a wider audience on your social platforms. They may seem unimportant or like a vanity additive, but the truth is that they can be incredibly beneficial in reaching a larger demographic of people. Using hashtags specific to your brand and your target audience can get your post seen by exactly the demographic you intend to reach.

Here are a few ideas to find the right hashtags for your brand:

  • Research trending hashtags. These are the tags that are getting an insane
    amount of views. Therefore, you will get your post seen by more users!
  • Look to popular users that have the same or a similar target audience as you–what
    hashtags are they using?
  • Use hashtags specific to your brand–where are you located? What products or
    services do you offer? What is your niche?
  • Find acronym hashtags, short and simple, is always better in creating hashtags

Hashtags are no doubt a powerful tool in reaching a wider audience across several platforms. Use them!

Don’t be afraid to find inspiration from influential users on social media that are in the same niche or have the same target audience as you. After all, success leaves clues!