Fiverr is a powerful marketplace with a huge variety of talent. Click here to find out how you can use Fiverr for Local SEO and outsource time consuming tasks.
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7 Powerful Ideas for Using Fiverr for Local SEO

Local SEO is not all about being found in your immediate area. Citations and other forms of Local SEO help to build a foundation to your backlink profile and establish your brand online. It takes time and patience to win the trust of search engines to permanently rank for your brand name alone.

Doing all of the work myself and investing a huge amount of effort and time, in the end, it took me 6 weeks to get rank one for the term ‘Whisper Louder’ alone.

8 Ways to use Fiverr for Local SEO

  1. Build Local Citations
  2. Start a Local PR Campaign
  3. Local Keyword Research
  4. SEO Content Writing
  5. Technical SEO Audits
  6. Blog-to-Video
  7. Blogger outreach for Local SEO

Fiverr is a great place to find freelancers you can outsource your SEO tasks too and save your time for the things that matter.

How to use Fiver for Local SEO

SEO Optimisation for Blogs

Let’s take a look at 7 ways you can leverage Fiverr to hire SEO professionals to boost your search signals and rank higher in search.

1. Build Local Citations

The core of Local SEO strategy evolves around Local Citations, why? Well, Local citations are a powerful SEO tool to help establish our brand and build some authority to your website. They vouch for your brand name, address and other vital information that will help Google identify who you are.

There are plenty of citation lists and service providers on the internet and you could easily handle this yourself but it’s a slow tedious process to manually create 100+ different citations and make sure all of the data is accurate across all platforms.

I work with freelancers with every new website I work on to build those local seo citations for me. Fiverr is a great fit for this role. You can easily find an SEO citation expert to build them for you and get it done in a reasonably short amount of time and for a decent price too.

2. Start a Local PR Campaigns

A stunning local PR campaign will complement your SEO strategy as well as help build brand recognition for your business. Good PR enables your business to grab backlinks from influential sources and will help increases your brand exposure.

I work with several freelancers on Fiverr to help me create PR campaign strategies for my own websites and clients because it has never been my strong point. By outsourcing my PR campaign, I have reached more people, generated more business and built a reputation.

3. Local Keyword Research

Local SEO keywords are like choosing a micro-niche for your blog, an essential step to dominating search results with high volume, low competition keywords.

An effective local SEO campaign is powered by keywords. To find them, you will normally need a variety of free and paid keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Analytics, Ahrefs and BuzzSumo to name a few. These can end up expensive if you only have one website.

Outsource your local keyword search instead of trying to do it yourself. Professionals have access to a wider range of search keyword tools and do it day in day out.

4. SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing is another core element of SEO strategy that cannot be skipped. Without optimising your content for search, user intent and other core search signals, your content will get lost in the vast internet ether of over 600 million blogs.

Fiverr has a vast choice of freelance SEO writers available to hire for those times you’re struggling to generate new content ideas or you just need to cover trending topics.

As with all marketplaces, there are good writers and some bad. Use your intuition and don’t be afraid to ask for some previous examples. In most cases, SEO writers will offer a set number of revisions incase the initial delivery doesn’t quite meet your expectations.

5. Technical SEO Audit

You might have the best backlink campaign going but, if your technical SEO is no up to scratch you’re going to struggle to rank anything on your blog or website. Technical SEO audits enable you to get a deeper understanding of your websites on-site SEO, security and web vitals enabling you to take action and optimise your website and improve the overall user experience for both readers and search robots.

There are a plethora of tools available which will enable you to get a quick snapshot of website technical SEO. For site owners, Ahrefs allows access to their site audit tool and to understand your core web vitals, there is Pagespeed Insights also but, understanding the data and putting in to practice can be difficult.

For business owners who are not so tech-savvy, Technical Audits are reasonably cheap and fully featured giving you everything you need to optimise your website. Some freelancers even offer implementation guides, tips to fix issues or even be able to take care of it all for you for an extra fee.

6. Blog to Video

If you already have the skills for video editing, then this point is likely not for you (unless you want to free up your time to focus on other things) as you’re already repurposing your content for different mediums already,

Repurposing your existing blog content is a great way to reach new audiences and targets new platforms you would have otherwise neglected with YouTube or Social media platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram being examples. Blog-to-video services are a great way to leverage Youtube’s 2 billion monthly active users and reach a wider audience with your content that you would otherwise never have reached.

Hiring a freelance video editor is simple and all you need to do is give them a link to your article. They will take care of the animation, voice-over and they will even write the script as well.

7. Blogger Outreach for Local SEO

Blogger outreach for guest post placements and niche edits can be time-consuming. You need to spend countless hours in search generating lists of prospects, you need to manually compose personal emails to each and everyone on the list, you need to generate content ideas and if that’s not enough, you need to write compelling content that helps build your brands authority.

It can all be a bit much and distract you from what’s really important: Creating out of this world content that stands high above the competition.

If you take the time to educate yourself about SEO best practices for blog websites and learn how to write content for search engines you can save yourself some money of pricey SEO packages and handle it yourself by outsourcing on Fiverr because you will hold the knowledge yourself to coordinate your own SEO strategy.